About KFE
About KFE
About KFE
KFE Skills Competitions 2018
KFE Skills Competitions 2018
KFE on Twitter
KFE on Twitter
FE colleges have changed hugely since 'incorporation' in 1992/3. Most are in fact significant multi-million pound businesses in their own right.
Whilst education and training provision is rightly at the core of what FE colleges do, KFE's colleges are all prime examples of multi-facetted organisations. Within each of our colleges there's a wide range of services and operations that have been established and developed to support our local-communities and businesses, whilst often making college life better and more accessible for our students and staff too.
The KFE Services page provides links to services delivered by each of our colleges. Some operate as separate businesses and others are linked ventures. In all cases they provide opportunities for student engagement and often employment with many also open to local communities.
FE colleges have changed hugely since 'incorporation' in 1992/3. Most are in fact significant multi-million pound businesses in their own right.
Whilst education and training provision is rightly at the core of what FE colleges do, KFE's colleges are all prime examples of multi-facetted organisations. Within each of our colleges there's a wide range of services and operations that have been established and developed to support our local-communities and businesses, whilst often making college life better and more accessible for our students and staff too.
The KFE Services page provides links to services delivered by each of our colleges. Some operate as separate businesses and others are linked ventures. In all cases they provide opportunities for student engagement and often employment with many also open to local communities.
KFE4Skills Live
Industry Skills Competition
6th March 2019
Tue, 16 May
|Ashford International Hotel
NHS KFE - Health & Care Conference / Kent & Medway Health & Care Academy Launch
This conference is the first to be jointly organised by KFE and NHS Kent and Medway. It's focus isn't just NHS, but health and care more broadly and will include the launch of the new Kent & Medway Health and Care Academy!
Time & Location
16 May 2023, 09:10 – 15:00
Ashford International Hotel, Simone Weil Ave, Ashford TN24 8UX, UK
About The Event
Registration starts from 9:15am approx with the event formally starting at 9:45am. The event should close by 2:45pm.
The first KFE / NHS health and care conference will bring together colleagues from Kent Further Education organisations and those working across the wide range of health and care organisations in the county.
The conference aims to underpin on-going collaboratuive and developmental work following the signing of an MoU between KFE and NHS Kent and Medway in November 2022.
It will help cement the integration and communication between education and health and care activities across the county. The conference isn't just about the NHS and will provide a platform for the four newly formed Health and Care Partnerships (HCPs) to establish links and to share good practice. Plenty of networking time is built in for this purpose including the lunch and networking fair.
The conference will also see the formal launch of the new Kent and Medway Health and Care Academy. This will include a preview of its new website and the reveal of the logo specially designed by one of the students from Kent Further Education who won the recent KFE4Skills Graphic Design competition.
The programme will be added to the site in the weeks before the event so do check back. It will also be sent as a link in the week before the event to registered guests. Check spam and see you there on the 16th May 2023!