About KFE
About KFE
About KFE
KFE Skills Competitions 2018
KFE Skills Competitions 2018
KFE on Twitter
KFE on Twitter
FE colleges have changed hugely since 'incorporation' in 1992/3. Most are in fact significant multi-million pound businesses in their own right.
Whilst education and training provision is rightly at the core of what FE colleges do, KFE's colleges are all prime examples of multi-facetted organisations. Within each of our colleges there's a wide range of services and operations that have been established and developed to support our local-communities and businesses, whilst often making college life better and more accessible for our students and staff too.
The KFE Services page provides links to services delivered by each of our colleges. Some operate as separate businesses and others are linked ventures. In all cases they provide opportunities for student engagement and often employment with many also open to local communities.
FE colleges have changed hugely since 'incorporation' in 1992/3. Most are in fact significant multi-million pound businesses in their own right.
Whilst education and training provision is rightly at the core of what FE colleges do, KFE's colleges are all prime examples of multi-facetted organisations. Within each of our colleges there's a wide range of services and operations that have been established and developed to support our local-communities and businesses, whilst often making college life better and more accessible for our students and staff too.
The KFE Services page provides links to services delivered by each of our colleges. Some operate as separate businesses and others are linked ventures. In all cases they provide opportunities for student engagement and often employment with many also open to local communities.
KFE4Skills Live
Industry Skills Competition
6th March 2019
KFE4Skills Showcase Videos & Presentations 2021 (Archive)
This page provides an archive resource of the 2021 KFE4Skills Showcase videos.
All videos and other content are the property of Kent Further Education colleges and our event delivery partner Rule 5 Solutions. The copying and re-use of this content is not permitted without written permission. Please use the Contact Form for information about and related to the use of the content.