About KFE
About KFE
About KFE
KFE Skills Competitions 2018
KFE Skills Competitions 2018
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FE colleges have changed hugely since 'incorporation' in 1992/3. Most are in fact significant multi-million pound businesses in their own right.
Whilst education and training provision is rightly at the core of what FE colleges do, KFE's colleges are all prime examples of multi-facetted organisations. Within each of our colleges there's a wide range of services and operations that have been established and developed to support our local-communities and businesses, whilst often making college life better and more accessible for our students and staff too.
The KFE Services page provides links to services delivered by each of our colleges. Some operate as separate businesses and others are linked ventures. In all cases they provide opportunities for student engagement and often employment with many also open to local communities.
FE colleges have changed hugely since 'incorporation' in 1992/3. Most are in fact significant multi-million pound businesses in their own right.
Whilst education and training provision is rightly at the core of what FE colleges do, KFE's colleges are all prime examples of multi-facetted organisations. Within each of our colleges there's a wide range of services and operations that have been established and developed to support our local-communities and businesses, whilst often making college life better and more accessible for our students and staff too.
The KFE Services page provides links to services delivered by each of our colleges. Some operate as separate businesses and others are linked ventures. In all cases they provide opportunities for student engagement and often employment with many also open to local communities.
KFE4Skills Live
Industry Skills Competition
6th March 2019

Welcome to the Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF) Digital Skills and Innovation in Care Conference landing page. You will find all the information you need about the conference on this page.
Taking place at
The Ashford International Hotel
22nd February 2024

Building on the Digital Care Conference by registering delegates will benefit from...
Finding out about Assistive Technology
Practical workshops designed to assist implementation
Information about funding and accessing training, which complements the provision already available through Skills for Care and other organisations
Networking with providers, stakeholders and employers
East Kent Colleges Group is pleased to present the Digital Skills and Innovation in Care Conference.
The conference is funded through the LSIF, as part of the college's care focused project, which in turn is one of four LSIF funded projects which have attracted £5m to Kent and Medway through the colleges.
The LSIF projects complement the priorities detailed in the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce Local Skills Improvement Plan.
We hope you will join the conference delegation and participate in discovering more about understanding the use of digital technologies which are delivering innovative and effective change in the care sector.

Digital Skills and Innovation in Care Conference Portal
Please register using the form below. The deadline for registration is noon 14th February 2024. So feel the love and join us for the first major health and care conference of the year.
Please check your spam folders for notifications especially in the week before the event.
All data is stored and used for event and LSIF activity tracking purposes only in line with EKCG policies, DfE project funding requirements and the KFE Privacy Policy.

LSIF - Digital Skills and Innovation in Care Conference - Programme
22nd February 2024
Ashford International Hotel
Timings below may change slightly
so please check full updated programme...
08:30-09:00 - Arrivals & Networking - Sign-in & Refreshments - Kent Suite
09:00 - 09:10 - Welcome - East Kent Colleges Group & Jonathan Shaw (Kent Further Education)
09:10 - 10:00 - Setting the Scene
Nadra Ahmed - Chair, National Care Association
Teresa Murray - Deputy Leader, Medway Council
Lucy Dresne - Chief Contracts & Policy Officer, Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce
Paul Sayers - Chief Information & Strategy Officer, East Kent Colleges Group
10:00-11:00 - Enabling a digital culture
Sarah de Costa - Chief Administration Officer and Keith Easley - IT Manager, LDC Care
Cathy Bellman - Deputy Director, East Kent Health & Care Partnership
Pia Rathje-Burton - Locality Manager, Skills for Care
Georgina Walton - Senior Project Manager, Adult Social Care & Health, KCC
Dave Harris - Chief Operating Officer, Time 4 U Ltd
11:00-11:15- Tea & Coffee Networking
11:20-12:20 - How can assistive technology be integrated into Health and Social Care
Alan Matthews - Director, Automated Spaces
Vernon Kearl / Clare Brown / Claire Bush & Sian Gabriel - Health and Social Car, Kent Further Education Colleges (KFE)
Billy Smith - Curriculum Consultant, East Kent Colleges Group
Clare Burgess - Chief Executive Kyndi, Ltd
12:20-13:15 - Enabling change through funding, regulation and policy
Professor Vic Rayner - Chief Executive Officer, National Care Forum
David James (CQC)
Pia Rathje-Burton - Locality Manager, Skills for Care
Robert McClaren - Director of Policy, Policy Connect
Paul Smith - Director, Foundations
13:15-13:20 - Plenary - Conference overview and next steps
13:20-14:15 - Lunch Networking & Digital Technology Demonstrations
14:15 - Conference Close